While the Kentwood Public Schools students head out for Summer vacation, the construction workers on site stay hard at work to continue with improvements on facilities across the district. Check out some updates below!
Last update, you were shown the bones and beginnings of the Freshman Center IT space. Since then a lot has been constructed! The walls have been set in place to divide out the space. Open office space, a kitchenette, new entry vestibule, reception office and conference rooms, and a storage room are all mapped out and sectioned off.
Pictured above: Flex office spaces, kitchenette space, and storage space.
The Entryway leading outdoors will have exposed ceilings (pictured below on the left). The steel for the internal entryway connecting to the rest of the school is in place for student and staff easy access (below pictured right).
Space is being prepped for a new mechanical unit for adequate and efficient air flow that will be installed soon. When we head upstairs, we can see temporary shoring in place to prep for demolition to make wider door openings for the mechanical upgrades.
Pictured above: (left) the new mechanical room in the IT Center, (right) the temporary shoring in the upstairs mechanical room.
Across the district progress continues. Some projects going on this summer include HVAC upgrades at East Kentwood High School, a Kitchen at Southwood Elementary School, an E-Sports room at the High School, and some interior remodeling and mechanical upgrades for the gym at Pinewood Elementary.
That's the latest, check back later this Summer for more updates.
Have a great summer Kentwood!