Foundations were poured last week on the 2,500 SF, two-classroom addition at Meadowlawn Elementary School. Crews powered through the frigid temperatures, excavating, forming and pouring concrete, and making great progress.
What's coming up at Meadowlawn?
The classroom building addition is currently under construction [Complete for 2022/2023 school year]
A new parent drop-off/pick-up loop will be constructed this summer [Complete for 2022/2023 school year]
Interior classroom renovations will also begin this summer, and will be phased over the course of the next school year
Check out the foundational progress made in one week's time!
Safety Comes First
When working on an occupied school campus, our crews and building staff always prioritize safety. Safety measures include:
Jobsite manager is on site 100% of the time during construction, to oversee all activities
Construction fencing surrounds the entire site
School staff maintain close lines of communication with the construction team, to separate students from all construction activities
Construction deliveries are scheduled around drop-off / pick-up times, to mitigate safety risks
Stay tuned for more Meadowlawn updates, as additions and renovations continue!